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Easy worming starts here! Profender is the world’s first spot-on intestinal wormer for cats.

Profender is the only spot-on that kills all infective stages of intestinal worms and is now also registered for the control of lungworm in cats. Treat with Profender every 3 months.

Why choose Profender?

• Stress-free treatment
Profender spot-on is applied to the skin at the back of your cat’s neck. With no need for tablets, Profender will take the stress out of worming for you and your cat. No more struggling cats. And above all, no more worms.

• Intestinal worm-free cats
Profender kills all infective stages of roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms in one easy treatment.

• Goodbye lungworm
Profender is also registered for the treatment of lungworm in cats.

• Profender is tough on worms, but gentle on your cat
Profender can be used on kittens from 8 weeks of age weighing more than 0.5kg and it is safe to use on pregnant and lactating queens.

• Provides protection for 3 months
Profender treats intestinal and lungworms and is applied every 3 months. See directions for use for pregnant and lactating queens.