Walk time with your dog isn’t enjoyable if he pulls on the lead excessively. The pulling may hurt your arm and your dog can become stressed when he’s meant to be enjoying his walk.
Designed to stop lead pulling, this dog head harness works to prevent him from pulling. It doesn’t matter what size your dog is or how long they have had this habit – you can change this behaviour.
The head harness uses estraints that pull at the dog’s shoulders and not around the face. It has been built for heavy pullers and is a friendly way to correct this undesirable action.
Benefits of the Sporn Halter Harness
- Nylon webbing is long-lasting.
- Becomes a normal collar when straps are removed.
- Design avoids looking like a muzzle.
- Pressure is distributed to shoulders not the neck.
Weight: approx. 11kg – 27kg
Breed example: Dalmatians, Cocker Spaniels, Hounds.
Colour: Black