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Vets All Natural Complete Mix Sensitive Skin, 1kg

The Complete Mix Sensitive Skin dog food from Vets All Natural is a complete diet for dogs with sensitive skin. Dogs live a longer and healthier life when they eat the right food. Canines have lived on a diet of raw meat, grains and vegetable matter for millions of years and this food mimics this natural diet.

The cooking process used to create dry or processed foods destroys natural enzymes and microbial content. It also gets rid of all the important vitamins, fatty acids, amino acids and protein.

Raw diets and the use of air drying keep all of these elements intact. When the Complete Mix Sensitive skin is mixed with a preservative-free raw meat it is as though your dog is eating a prey animal and their gut contents.

Natural balanced ingredients include: 
Rolled oats, cracked barley, flax seed meal, carrots, split peas, calcium carbonate, yeast, parsley, kelp, lecithin, barley grass, Vitamin C and garlic. The sensitive skin mix also includes probiotics (protexin, milk thistle, omega 3 powder, quercetin, green tea, zinc, colostrum, astragalus and perilla seed to nourish skin and fur.

Directions for feeding:

  1. Shake up contents before use to ensure ingredients are mixed evenly together.
  2. Mix with the suggested volume of water – for best results mix at room temp up to 24 hours ahead or up to 30 minutes ahead in warm water. This allows the mix to soften, ferment and release more nutrients.
  3. Add soaked mix to the appropriate ration of raw meat (instructed on packet).
  4. Feed to your dog and leftover mix can be refrigerated (eat within a few days) or frozen.